Most Job Seekers Don't Know About LinkedIn!

by Thomas E. Kenny

Jason Alba has a great blog post which has inspired me to blog on the same topic.

With over 24 million professionals on LinkedIn and all the Internet buzz it gets it's hard to believe that 51% of job seekers surveyed on JobDig's website never heard of LinkedIn!

So what does this mean?
  • Not all job seekers are savvy Internet users? However, if they found JobDig's web site why not LinkedIn?
  • Are to many people concerned about Internet security and having an online presence?
  • Have most job seekers not gone through the mind shift necessary for owning their career? Meaning they are still posting a resume to a job board (aka black hole) and wondering why there are so little responses other then scams. Rather then networking their way into their idle next position.
On the flip side 25% did say they use LinkedIn all the time.

I believe the moral of the story is that a
s you build networking relationships don't assume they know what you know. Share information about what tools and groups you have found to be of value. For example, LinkedIn, the ETP Network, etc.

Although the benefit to yourself of helping others to be more successful in their careers isn't foreseeable. The investment you make in your network will pay great dividends in your future!
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